Lane County recently closed its CHC Prenatal Clinic which was the only FQHC prenatal care option locally. We are sad to see more gaps opening up in our local perinatal health care system.
Story by KLCC on 2/26/2021:
“Pregnant people often chose Lane County’s federally qualified Prenatal Clinic because of its wrap around services, easy access to care, and integrated Spanish speaking staff.
With this crucial service gone, Our Community Birth Center is preparing to step in. AlexAnn Westlake is Executive Director of the non-profit and a certified nurse midwife. She said they’ve held focus groups with Latina community members.
“There was a specific request to have care providers who are Latinx,” she said, “and speak Spanish as their native language.”
Westlake said they are currently negotiating a lease and continue seeking start up funds with a goal of opening an inclusive new birth center in the fall.”
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